What is the Best Way for You To Learn New Exercises?

(I know this video is taking a little while to play.  It is normal for it to take 10 seconds to start playing.  No worries.)

The best way is webinars.

When I had done my Masters Degree of Exercise Science in 2008, this is how I did it.

Yes, I earned my degree with webinars!

When I started the program, I did not think I would learn much from them but soon I found out this was an amazing way of learning.

I could learn new information, exercises and latest techniques from the comfort of my home.  Plus I could do this anywhere I wanted.

I have been doing to fewer and less courses and conferences but more and more webinars.

I know you maybe asking what is a webinar?

The video above explains it better but let me put it into words.

A webinar is an online video presentation done by a fitness, rehab and performance experts which you view on your PC, Mac, iPod or iPad.

You are able to view the video presentation off the internet or download it to your computer for viewing at another time.  Plus you can burn it onto a DVD if you would like.

What Do I Get with a Webinar?

The webinar contains an outline of key information about muscle imbalances, images explaining muscle imbalances, videos of exercises and assessment recommendations.

Video Presentation – Sit back and watch as everything is given to you on a specific topic in a detailed but easy to understand way.

Audio Presentation – You can download the audio of the presentation and listen to the all the great info while walking or running.

Detailed Handout – Download and print out a copy of the presentation so you can take notes of the new info and exercises.

Where Can I Watch the Video Webinar?

This is the very cool part.

With a webinar you get a video recording, audio recording and handout that will work on you PC, Mac, iPod or iPad.

You want watch and learning anywhere you want.  That is so cool!

Tomorrow, I will let you know about how you can earn continuing education credits by watching a webinar.

Rick Kaselj, MS
